Herbst® Appliance Hartford County, CT

What is the herbst appliance?

At Rosenberg Orthodontics, our skilled dentists have years of experience in performing advanced orthodontics that correct dentofacial structures. Rosenberg Orthodontics is pleased to provide the Invisalign Herbst appliance. The process combines this functional orthodontic appliance  with orthodontics to correct severe malocclusion problems. If you have upper molars that protrude too much or a serious overbite, this appliance can be positioned to tackle these issues. As this method reshapes the teeth, conventional braces or dental aligners are generally utilized to direct the teeth at the same time. Get more information about adding the Herbst device to your orthodontics during your consultation at one of our Hartford County, CT practices.

What Are the Benefits of a Herbst Appliance?

Our orthodontists typically recommend this appliance for children to help secure their long-term dental health into adulthood. The Herbst appliance is frequently used to correct several bite alignment issues, including:

  • Extreme overbite
  • Narrow arch
  • Posterior crossbite
  • Upper jaw protrusion

In addition to improved dental health, this appliance for overbites offers a more appealing appearance than traditional headgear. When used in conjunction with Invisalign clear aligners, the aesthetic benefits of the Herbst appliance with Invisalign are twofold.

Who should get the herbst appliance?

A functional orthodontic appliance, this device can help treat several oral conditions, such as:

  • An extreme overbite
  • Posterior Crossbite
  • Narrow Arch
  • Upper jaw protrusion

The appliance is constructed from metal, acrylic, and springs. This orthodontic appliance is an effective way to move the lower jaw forward. The Herbst device is usually suggested for younger patients since it helps protect their long-term health. Additionally, the aesthetic advantages are a substantial improvement when compared to headgear. A Herbst device is utilized together with conventional braces or removable, transparent aligners, such as Invisalign. For additional information on how this Invisalign for malocclusion works, contact our team.

I have been a patient of Dr. Rosenberg for a couple years now and done with my treatment. He is the best, very personable and knowledgeable . I was so apprehensive about my invisilign treatment to start with.He patiently walked me through the treatment and in every step gave me confidence and explained everything in detail. I am super happy with the results i have acheived. He wants to give you perfect end result and does not compromise on the treatment. Anybody else would have said you are done after 18 months, mine went longer because he wanted it took look perfect. Excellent staff, professional and very kind and super helpful . I would highly recommend Dr Rosenberg and his team to anyone that is looking for orthodontist care .

S.P. Google

Very welcoming and detailed with explaining how my Invisalign was going work, they made it not confusing. Would highly recommend!

K.R. Google

I would never go anywhere else for ortho care. I’m always treated so kindly and compassionately. Dr. Rosenberg and his team are the absolute best!

L.M. Google

Myself & two children have received services from Rosenberg Orthodontics. I appreciate the staff & doctors being very accommodating with appointments for my daughter who is attending college out of state and has to have monthly appointments. I highly recommend Rosenberg Orthodontics.

L.B. Google

This place completely changed my life from the second I walked into the office they were so respectful and professional,Just the very best.I use to Be so self-conscious about my teeth That I wouldn’t even go to my family gatherings birthday parties I didn’t wanna participate in anything because of my smile,I couldn’t even use the right words to form a conversation with somebody because I was so self-conscious about my teeth And I remembered my wife told me she went to Rosenberg orthodontics when she was young girl and they fixed her teeth and I always thought she had the most beautiful smile so I says to her, I want those teeth so I went to Rosenberg and 11 months later I had the most beautiful smile in the world not because it’s my own smile, but because people would tell me randomly I have the most beautiful smile in the world,and it changed my life. I keep getting compliments people treat me better I feel unstoppable I feel more respected. I feel like people take me serious now especially at work It’s just an amazing experience that I had. It totally changed my life. I can’t stress it enough, the best decision I’ve made was going to this office and getting my teeth fixed and they’re so nice they understand hard situations they’re just amazing I recommend this place to the world 😁

E.R. Google


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How does the herbst appliance work?

During your consultation, our dental team will assess your jaw and teeth to determine whether you are an ideal candidate for this orthodontic treatment, before an appointment to apply the device can be scheduled at one of our Hartford County, CT locations. Usually, the Herbst device is placed on the molars. This approach is normally very simple, but a local anesthetic might also be used to make sure you are comfortable throughout the application procedure. When combined with orthodontic treatment, this appliance can move the jaw and the teeth at the same time, working as a crossbite aligner to straighten your bite and teeth. Typically, these orthodontic treatments are worn for 12 – 15 months. However, this timeframe can vary based on your specific goals and case.

Frequently Asked Questions

How painful is the Invisalign Herbst appliance?

When wearing the Invisalign Herbst appliance, you shouldn't experience any pain. It is common to feel soreness in the jaw while your mouth adjusts to having the appliance in place. If you're worried about the pain you'll experience, contact our team so we can go over the process in detail to decide if this procedure is right for you.

Will this Invisalign for malocclusion change my face?

This treatment method slowly repositions the low jaw forward. While the jaw moves, these crossbite aligners allow time for the jaw to grow and find balance with the rest of the face. While your bite will change, your jaw will adapt, leaving your face the same.

How can I properly brush my teeth with Herbst crossbite aligners?

It may be challenging to brush your teeth once the Herbst appliance is placed. Cleaning your appliance with your toothbrush, in conjunction with rinsing your mouth, is ideal. A Waterpik® can also aid in cleaning and removing food particles from around your appliance.

What can't you eat with a Herbst appliance?

With a Herbst appliance in place, it's essential to avoid certain types of foods to prevent damage to the appliance and ensure its effectiveness. Hard foods, such as nuts, hard candies, and ice, should be avoided as they can break or dislodge the appliance. Sticky foods like caramel, gum, and chewy candy can get caught and may pull on the appliance, potentially damaging it. Additionally, it's advisable to cut down on sugary and starchy foods to prevent plaque buildup around the appliance, which could lead to tooth decay. It's also recommended to cut fruits, vegetables, and other hard foods into small, bite-sized pieces to minimize the risk of damage.

What are the downsides of the Herbst appliance?

While the Herbst appliance is effective in treating jaw discrepancies, it comes with certain drawbacks, as do most treatments. Patients may experience an initial period of discomfort and adjustment, which may lead to challenges in maintaining oral hygiene and certain dietary restrictions. Additionally, it may be prone to wear and tear, necessitating occasional adjustments or repairs, and its visible nature can cause self-consciousness in some patients. Despite these issues, with proper care and management, the Herbst appliance can significantly improve jaw alignment and reduce the need for more extensive orthodontic work in the future.

What is the success rate of the Herbst appliance?

The Herbst appliance has demonstrated a high success rate in correcting class II malocclusions, primarily overbite issues, where the upper jaw is too far forward relative to the lower jaw. Success is particularly notable in growing children and adolescents, as the appliance leverages growth spurts to achieve more effective and lasting changes in jaw alignment. The key factors contributing to its success include diligent wear by the patient, regular follow-ups with the orthodontist for adjustments, and proper oral hygiene to prevent complications.

What happens once the herbst appliance is placed?

You might experience some mild soreness or tenderness in your gums following your treatment; however, in time, these symptoms will fade away. If you experience severe pain or tissue inflammation, you can make an appointment so we can correct the device. You should not attempt to correct the device by yourself as it may cause further damage or irritation to your mouth. From time to time, a very simple application or orthodontic wax is all that is necessary to alleviate the problem. You are also advised to eat soft food for the initial 1 – 2 weeks following your therapy. Our experienced team also suggests that you avoid hard candy and gum, in addition to sticky or hard food. The outcomes of the Invisalign Herbst device are long-term since it improves your teeth and general jaw function.

Does insurance cover the herbst appliance?

Insurance coverage will differ according to your policy and insurer; therefore, we'll get in touch with your insurance company to figure out your benefits and compute your remaining expenses. If you do not have insurance, then a member of our financial team can speak with you regarding the payments we take, such as medical financing.

fix your overbite

For more information on the Invisalign Herbst appliance and complementary orthodontic options, schedule an appointment with Rosenberg Orthodontics at one of our Hartford County facilities. Our team is happy to sit with you to create a treatment program that can greatly enhance your dental health.

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